  • Construction and property – 5 tips for successful recruitment
    IT Labour Market 2021/2022 | Devire Market Insights Report
    eCommerce on the Rise | Devire Market Insights Report
    Remote Onboarding – one of the biggest SSC sector challenges
    BPO SSC Challenges | Devire Market Insights Report
    Devire opens a new branch in Brno
    Devire extends IT recruitment services with IT Contracting
    5 job interview tips that will help you ace your next interview!
    Devire is expanding and welcomes new Business Unit Managers
    Job change: how often is too often?
    How to discuss salary at a job interview?
    Jak se hledá nový šéf firmy nebo vedoucí velkého oddělení
    Vznikají zcela nové profese. Víte, kdo je může vykonávat?
    Devire is entering the Czech market